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How To Verify FRSC Plate Number: How To Check And Verify Number Plate In Nigeria

How to verify FRSC plate Number:  Plate numbers in Nigeria and across many other countries around the world are used in various ways to identify cars or vehicle owners. It is used to identity  the owner and also helps in the safety of the vehicle.

Before discussing how to verify FRSC plate number, let’s know what exactly is what is a plate number of vehicle.

A vehicle plate number serves as an official legal identity assigned to a car or vehicle. Typically located at the rear of a car, it plays a crucial role for identification purposes. In unfortunate events like burglary, robbery, or accidents, this number becomes vital. When trying to determine the owner of a vehicle involved in such incidents, the plate number provides a visible clue. By noting down the number displayed on the front and rear plates, it becomes possible to trace the vehicle’s ownership.

Having a number plate is a mandatory requirement for every vehicle in Nigeria. It is an essential document that allows you to legally drive on the country’s roads. The Nigerian Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) is responsible for issuing these plates across all local government divisions under their authority.

Different Ways On How To Verify FRSC Plate Number

Finding the owner of a car plate number in Nigeria can be achieved through multiple methods. You have the option of visiting the FRSC in person, utilizing SMS services, or accessing their online database. Regardless of the method chosen, as long as it provides accurate information, it serves its purpose well. These channels are directly linked to the Federal Road Safety Commission, ensuring reliable and up-to-date data.

How to verify FRSC Plate Number

To ensure the credibility of a plate number owner in Nigeria, it is crucial to understand and know the proper method of conducting a thorough check.

If you find yourself needing to perform a car plate number check, here is a helpful guide on how to verify FRSC plate number:

1. In case you need to check car details using a number plate, it is advisable to report the matter to the nearest police station. Ensure to provide clear and comprehensive reasons for your request. For instance, if you were involved in a crime incident and have memorized the culprit’s plate number, share this vital information with the authorities. Additionally, provide as many relevant details as possible, as they will aid in the investigation and help track down further information.

2. To perform a plate number check, it is important to request a document supported by a court order. This document, provided by the police, grants you the necessary authority to access information about the owner of a license plate number, and vice versa. Without this document, convincing the FRSC to assist you in this matter will likely lead to a dead-end.

3. Explore the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Offices
When you arrive at the FRSC office, ensure that you clearly state your objectives and provide the necessary police documents to the FRSC officers. They may also request additional information to authenticate your claims. Take the time to prepare your explanation and gather any relevant paperwork beforehand.

If you manage to convince the officers, they will access the government’s transportation information database for you. This database contains details such as vehicle type, owner’s name, ID card number, and more. You will also be able to find the address of the owner associated with the given license plate number. This valuable information can assist the police in locating and apprehending a suspect.

Conduct an FRSC Plate Number Check
If you wish to check the validity of a license plate number in Nigeria, you can utilize the FRSC plate number check service online.

To proceed, visit the website:
Enter the license plate number in the designated box (spaces are not allowed)
Click on the “Verify” button
The system will generate the results, indicating the authenticity of the license plate number and providing information about the corresponding vehicle type.

By utilizing the plate number hunt feature, you can save significant time and effort by quickly identifying fraudulent license plates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check my valid plate number in Nigeria?

To confirm the validity of your vehicle’s plate number, please follow these step:

Send a text message to 33324 with the content “VerifyPlateNo” followed by your Plate Number.
For example, if your plate number is ABC123, you should send: “VerifyPlateNo ABC123”.

Please remember to type “VerifyPlateNo” without any spaces in between the words.

How do I verify a plate?

Follow these easy steps to obtain information about your vehicle and verify your plate number:

1. Grab your phone and open your text messaging app.
2. Compose a message with the content “LTO VEHICLE [your vehicle’s plate number].”
3. Send the message to the number 2600.
Once you have sent it, you will receive details about your car, including the verification of your plate number.

Where Can I Find The VIN?

To locate the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), simply follow these steps:

1. Position yourself outside the vehicle on the driver’s side.
2. Direct your attention to the corner of the dashboard where it meets the windshield.
3. Look carefully, and you’ll find the VIN displayed on a plate or sticker.
   It’s usually visible and easily accessible in this area.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to easily find the VIN of your vehicle.

How do I know if my plate number is real?

If you’re located in Lagos State and wish to verify the authenticity of a plate number, the Lagos Vehicle Administration Agency is the place to go. By reaching out to them, you can gain access to essential registration information about the vehicle. This includes details like the vehicle’s color, status, model, chassis number, and the date the number plate was issued. Consulting the agency ensures you have accurate and reliable information regarding the vehicle in question.

Which app can I use to check my plate number in Nigeria?

Introducing ConfirmMe, the leading vehicle verification app in Nigeria. Designed to provide you with comprehensive car verification services, ConfirmMe offers an array of features, including detailed information about vehicle registration numbers and more. By exploring the app yourself, you’ll uncover a wealth of additional functionalities. With ConfirmMe, you have the power to verify any car or vehicle plate number in Nigeria, all based on their registration information. Experience the convenience and reliability of ConfirmMe for all your vehicle verification needs.

Please Note: Before approaching the police for a tinted permit, it is essential to prioritize this verification process to ensure a smooth experience. If the police discover any issues beforehand, it can lead to complications and a different set of circumstances.

Please keep in mind that this verification is specifically for number plates with the format ABC123AB (New plate number) and does not apply to plates in the format AB123 ABC (old plate number).


Ensuring the legitimacy of your vehicle’s plate number is important to prevent any road-related issues. It is essential to possess the rightful ownership or authorization of the vehicle to ensure safety.

By thoroughly reading this article on how to verify FRSC plate number, you now have a clear understanding of the methods available to verify a plate number in Nigeria. Additionally, you can access valuable information about vehicle number plates, including details about the owner and registration.

Prisca Ayim

Prisca Ayim is an Associate Editor at Jaybest Tech Review and PA to Kere O. Jonathan Okoh, the CEO of Jaybest Tech. She has been with the company from scratch. She has published dozens of articles on Jaybest Tech Review, covering articles on Alternatives, How To Guide, Software Review, websites, and Apps.

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