Incase you came across any content that belongs to you or your organization, we sincerely apologize for that. don’t worry it will be taken down if you want us to take it down, please contact us using the content page on our website. We promise to rectify the issue and never to repeat it in the near future.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice

We respect the rights of copyright holders and will collaborate with them to ensure infringing content is removed from our platform/pages . Please send an email to the attention of “Copyright Infringement” with any pertinent information using our contact page.

Filing a DMCA Notice to Remove Copyright-Protected Content

If you believe a content infringes on your copyright or the copyright of a client you represent, please use this page “contact us” to inform us about it. Please send us a written notification containing the following details:

  1. Your name, address, phone number and email address which would help us to reach you.
  2. A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed by us.
  3. A description of where on the Website the material that you claim is infringing may be found. It should be sufficient to locate the material (e.g., the URL);
  4. A statement that you have good faith and belief that the use of the copyrighted work is not authorized and is not seen as fair use.
  5. A statement by you UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the information you are providing us is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf; and finally,
  6. Your electronic or physical signature.

jaybesttech.net will reply to “any and all take-down demands” that conform with the DMCA and other applicable intellectual property laws.

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