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Polestar First Phone May Rebrand Existing Meizu 20 Infinity – Leaks Reveal Shared Hardware Specs

Polestar First Phone. Intriguing information about electric vehicle maker Polestar’s secret upcoming debut in the smartphone space has surfaced. According to leaks, Polestar’s maiden handset appears to be a Meizu 20 Infinity carrying the Polestar branding instead. Both companies fall under the umbrella of the automotive conglomerate Geely.

Polestar Phone Spotted With Meizu 20 Infinity Model Number

The first concrete evidence of the Polestar Phone’s existence comes from the device’s IMEI listing bearing the model number “M392S”. This is identical to the Meizu 20 Infinity that launched last year.

Leaks Suggest Polestar Phone Shares Meizu 20 Infinity Hardware

Further analysis by the reporting team reveals the Polestar Phone seemingly shares key hardware specifications with the Meizu 20 Infinity flagship. This includes the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset on the 20 Infinity.

Polestar First Phone

The shared internals hint at the Polestar Phone being a rebranded version of the Meizu device tuned to align with Polestar’s aesthetic. This allows Polestar to leverage Meizu’s existing supply chain and production pipelines instead of creating one from scratch.

Strategic Synergy Between Geely Subsidiaries

Polestar dipping into Meizu’s parts bin for its first smartphone highlights parent company Geely’s efforts towards deeper collaboration between its subsidiaries. Beyond just badge engineering, the move may kickstart meaningful technical partnerships.

For instance, Polestar could integrate custom features like digital car key access, remote charging control, etc, on its branded handset to improve the connected EV experience – blending its expertise with Meizu’s hardware and manufacturing finesse.

As Geely doubles down on its smart eco-system strategy spanning automotive and consumer tech, the rebadged Polestar Phone appears to be the first salvo heralding deeper integration across its brands. Expect complementary products leveraging respective competencies for a cohesive mobility experience.

Kere O. Jonathan Okoh

I, Jonathan. I'm the Chief-Editor @JaybestTechReview And The Chief Engineer @Jaybest Tech Repairs. My work on the tech industry {Tech Reviews & Tech Hardware Repairs} is out of passion, with the intention of helping others solve their difficulties on their smartphone and publishing informative tech contents. When I'm not writing tech, then I'm fixing Tech, when I'm not fixing tech, then I'm reading tech.

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