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What is Files Over Miles; Files Over Miles Features, Pro & Cons And How To Use

Files Over Miles is a file sharing software that was founded in May 1, 2009 by Bartosz Biskupski. Files Over Miles  allows you to send files directly to others without any intermediary steps. Unlike most free file sharing software, where files are uploaded first before download, FilesOverMiles generating links to share with recipients, and then downloaded, FilesOverMiles connects you directly with the person who needs to receive your files, ensuring that no files are uploaded to other platform at all. Simplifying the process, making it efficient, and keeping your data secure is their top priority.

Files Over Miles Pros And Cons


Enhanced Privacy: Files Over Miles file sharing offers increased privacy as files are transferred directly without leaving a copy on the main server. This eliminates the risk of files lingering on regular file hosts where deletion options might not be available.

– Upload Speed and Router Configuration: One drawback is that the sender requires good upload speeds and proper router configuration to allow others to access the files. This technical requirement might pose a challenge for some users who lack the necessary setup or knowledge.

Files Over Miles Features

Files Over Miles offers a range of impressive features to facilitate seamless file sharing:


  • – High Speed: Experience swift and efficient file transfers.
  • – Large File Support: Easily send sizable files without any hassles.
  • – Encryption (128 bit AES): Your data remains secure and protected during transmission.
  • – Browser Compatibility: Works flawlessly on any browser with Adobe Flash Player 10.
  • – UDP Hole Punching: This technology helps establish direct connections, optimizing the file transfer process.

Files Over Miles Limitations

However, it’s essential to be aware of some limitations:


  • – File Size Restriction: The size of the sent file is limited by the available RAM of the sender’s computer. For example, if there’s 755 MB of free RAM, the largest file that can be transmitted is 755 MB.
  • – Recipient File Size Limit: The recipient’s ability to receive files is constrained by their available RAM. For instance, with 512 MB of free RAM, the largest receivable file is limited to 255 MB due to a limitation in Adobe Flash.
  • – Firewall Blockage: Files Over Miles will not work if either the sender or the recipient is behind a firewall that blocks UDP packets, which could hinder the connection establishment.
  • – Sender’s Browser Requirement: To ensure successful file downloads, the sender’s browser must remain open while the recipient is downloading the file.

Keeping these features and limitations in mind, Files Over Miles provides a convenient and secure file-sharing solution, but users should be mindful of the technical constraints to optimize their experience.

Files Over Miles

Step-by-Step Guide to Use Files Over Miles:

  • 1. Go to
  • 2. Choose the file you want to share from your local computer, and a unique URL will be generated for that file.
  • 3. Share the generated URL with the person who needs to receive the file.
  • 4. Once they start the download, the file will be loaded into your (the sender’s) memory. Please ensure that your browser remains open throughout the file transfer process.
  • 5. The file will be transferred and loaded into the recipient’s memory.
  • 6. After the file transfer is complete, the recipient can save the received file onto their local drive.
  • 7. You can now close both browser windows, as the file transfer is successfully finished.

With Files Over Miles, sharing files becomes very easy, just follow these simple steps for hassle-free file transfers.

Kere O. Jonathan Okoh

I, Jonathan. I'm the Chief-Editor @JaybestTechReview And The Chief Engineer @Jaybest Tech Repairs. My work on the tech industry {Tech Reviews & Tech Hardware Repairs} is out of passion, with the intention of helping others solve their difficulties on their smartphone and publishing informative tech contents. When I'm not writing tech, then I'm fixing Tech, when I'm not fixing tech, then I'm reading tech.

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