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10 Best Free Diabetes Apps for Android & iOS

10 Best Free Diabetes Apps for Android & iOS: Managing diabetes can be a challenging task, but thanks to modern technology, there are now numerous apps available to help individuals monitor their blood sugar levels, track their diet and exercise, and provide valuable insights into their overall health. With the increasing popularity of smartphones, diabetes apps have become an essential tool for many individuals living with this condition.

In this article, we will explore the 10 best free diabetes apps for Android and iOS platforms. These apps have been carefully selected based on their features, user reviews, and overall usability. Whether you’re newly diagnosed with diabetes or have been managing it for years, these apps can be invaluable in helping you take control of your health and lead a healthier lifestyle.

From blood glucose tracking to medication reminders, these apps offer a range of features designed to assist you in monitoring and managing your diabetes effectively. Many of them also provide additional resources such as educational materials, personalized meal plans, and the ability to connect with a supportive community of individuals facing similar challenges.

With the help of these diabetes apps, you can easily track your blood sugar levels, log your meals, count your carbs, and even set reminders for medication and doctor’s appointments. These apps can help you identify patterns and trends in your blood glucose levels, enabling you to make informed decisions about your treatment plan.

Furthermore, some of these apps allow you to share your data with healthcare professionals or family members, fostering a collaborative approach to diabetes management. This feature can be particularly helpful for those who want to involve their healthcare team in their day-to-day care or for parents who need to monitor their child’s blood sugar levels remotely.

10 Best Free Diabetes Apps for Android & iOS

Without further ado, let’s delve into the world of the 10 best free diabetes apps for Android and iOS. With their user-friendly interfaces and powerful features, these apps can assist you in maintaining better control over your diabetes and living a healthier, happier life.

1) Fooducate

It all begins with the foods you choose to consume. Fooducate is aware of the importance of managing diabetes and informs you of all the healthy foods you can consume to maintain your blood sugar level.

It enhances your understanding of which foods are healthy for maintaining sugar control and which carbohydrates to avoid. Fooducate enables users to scan foods and view their calorie, sugar, and hidden ingredient content.

2) Accu-Chek Connect

Accu-Chek Connect is for those who are already advised to maintain a healthy level of insulin in their bodies. This is the first app approved by the FDA to provide accurate insulin advice.

To achieve optimal results, patients require an activation signal from their physician. Its insulin measurement feature is then activated to generate information on recognizable blood glucose patterns.

3) MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal may not be a typical diabetes management program, but it works by emphasizing individual weight loss objectives. The program is based on the principle of maintaining a healthy weight, which is an essential component of diabetes management.

It regulates your weight by tracking your overall food intake and tailoring your diet. It features a food barcode scanner that operates via an internet connection.

4) MySugr

MySugr distinguishes itself from other diabetes apps on the list by providing a clean, intuitive, and user-friendly interface, and by being completely free. It features a customizable dashboard and allows for integration with your glucose monitor.

The MySugr app will also send you reminders to record specific information, such as blood sugar levels before and after a workout. You can also share this accurate information with your physician so that you can discuss plans to manage your diabetes or alter your insulin treatment as needed.

5) Beat Diabetes

Beat Diabetes is one of the best free diabetes apps available in the United Kingdom, particularly for those newly diagnosed with the condition. The app is an excellent resource for patients seeking trustworthy information to quickly get back on track.

You will find an abundance of information on diabetic foods to avoid, carbohydrate control, the addition of physical activities, complications, etc. The application quickly puts you on the correct sugar-free path and keeps you up to date on medical treatment.

6) Diabetic Diet

As the name suggests, Diabetic Diet follows the fundamental approach to diabetic care for people with or without diabetes. This application is an excellent resource that focuses primarily on selecting a balanced diet and healthy food.

To combat the diabetic or pre-diabetic condition, it is all about diet, eating habits, and the safest weight loss methods. It is even ideal for those who care for diabetic individuals.

7) Diabetes Connect

Diabetes Connect enables you to effectively monitor and manage your diabetes symptoms, treatment, and food consumption patterns. Diabetes Connect enables features that can be toggled on and off to aid in the management of diabetes.

You can access your health dashboard via a web browser or an app. You can easily monitor your weight, blood sugar level, insulin dosage, meals, calorie intake, medications, etc. because you have all the information in one place. It is also synchronized across multiple devices, allowing you to monitor it from anywhere at any time.

8) BeatO

BeatO transforms your smartphone into an active glucose monitor, eliminating the need for a separate glucose monitor. This app effortlessly retrieves data from the BeatO glucometer and enables you to measure and monitor your glucose level on your smartphone.

A team of BeatO-affiliated medical professionals maintains sanity and intervenes with glucose level reminders and a health-focused lifestyle guide.

9) Diabetes: M

Diabetes: M is a full-fledged log app with comprehensive features to assist diabetes conditions, such as diet and nutrition logging and tracking, blood test reminders, blood sugar patterns mapping, insulin bolus calculator, and integration with fitness apps.

Its powerful tools display customizable trend charts for excellent glucose control. Additionally, it is compatible with Apple Watch and allows for the addition of multiple members with a paid subscription.

10) OneTouch Reveal

This application highlights trends in blood sugar levels for diabetics. OneTouch Reveal generates insights and trends automatically based on your blood glucose readings.

This is especially advantageous if your blood sugar mysteriously fluctuates within a specific time frame. The application highlights this trend in a timeline as an important one that is easy to spot and alerts you to take action.

Your physician can adjust your diet and carbohydrate intake based on your log history.


These are the top 10 free diabetes apps available for Android and iOS devices in the United Kingdom. As technology evolves over time, some of these applications continue to improve with new updates.

Due to the constant disruption of the healthcare industry by AI-enabled platforms and chatbots, there will likely be an increase in the number of interactive, intelligent, and feature-rich healthcare applications in the near future.

diabetes app for free

This appears to be a promising opportunity for startup enthusiasts seeking to enter the digital healthcare market and develop successful fitness-focused diabetes management applications.

Kere O. Jonathan Okoh

I, Jonathan. I'm the Chief-Editor @JaybestTechReview And The Chief Engineer @Jaybest Tech Repairs. My work on the tech industry {Tech Reviews & Tech Hardware Repairs} is out of passion, with the intention of helping others solve their difficulties on their smartphone and publishing informative tech contents. When I'm not writing tech, then I'm fixing Tech, when I'm not fixing tech, then I'm reading tech.

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