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Best App To Track Spending; Top 6 Budgeting & Expense Tracking Apps of 2024

Best App To Track Spending; Sticking to a budget and tracking expenses is crucial for financial health. And in today’s increasingly cashless world, the best way to monitor spending is with a user-friendly app. Here is a Top 5 Budgeting & Expense Tracking Apps you can try. I extensively researched technology designed to track spending and categorize purchases. After comparing features and real user reviews, I picked the 6 best personal finance apps for tracking expenses in the on a go.

Best App To Track Spending


Mint is a All-In-One Money Manager. With over 20 million users, Mint is a versatile, easy-to-use finance app. It syncs with your bank accounts and credit cards to automatically categorize transactions and create budgets based on your spending. Users get a complete overview of cash flow, assets, bills due, investments, and credit scores. Mint stands out for its financial insights and money saving tips. The basic app is free.



PocketGuard is besst for automation, for a fully automated approach to your expense tracking, PocketGuard delivers. All you need to do is to link your accounts and let the app categorize each transaction. PocketGuard also monitors subscriptions and presents ways to save money. The automation saves time while eliminating expense tracking headaches. With it you can see your remaining budgets per spending category in clear charts


You Need a Budget (YNAB)

YNAB helps users get proactive about finances through budgeting and goal setting. Manual transaction entry gets users closer to their money. And reports show exactly how much is available for needs versus wants. With this app you can plan ahead for large irregular expenses and big life goals like a wedding in intuitive online workshops. There is a free 34-day trial before the paid subscription.

You Need a Budget (YNAB)


If you are couple, Spendee  is the best for you. With itsShared Wallets feature for two people, Spendee empowers couples to meet unified budget and savings goals. My spouse and I love the transparency it brings to our finances. The wide array of category labels improves spending awareness. Income, expense, saving, and investment transactions are easily managed in a single view dashboard.



For those wanting a mix of automated transaction imports alongside some manual expenses, Wally strikes that perfect balance. Wally even shows where the cheapest gas stations are! Premium upgrade options deliver next level financial analysis. The app Compile expenses across trips or individual days without cumbersome manual entry. With offline access, multi-currency support, and cloud backup, this is the leading app for tracking wherever your adventures take you. 


Personal Capital

Personal capital is ideal for tracking high-value accounts, it delivers a wealth management suite for everyday people. You can Securely link assets like 401ks, IRAs, investment accounts, mortgages, and credit cards to aggregate savings. You can use the intuitive dashboards to see your net worth over time and customize spending profiles as your financial position advances.

Personal Capital


I hope these Best App To Track Spending provide money monitoring clarity as you evaluate your budgeting and expense tracking. Let me know which features are most important for your financial needs in 2024!

Kere O. Jonathan Okoh

I, Jonathan. I'm the Chief-Editor @JaybestTechReview And The Chief Engineer @Jaybest Tech Repairs. My work on the tech industry {Tech Reviews & Tech Hardware Repairs} is out of passion, with the intention of helping others solve their difficulties on their smartphone and publishing informative tech contents. When I'm not writing tech, then I'm fixing Tech, when I'm not fixing tech, then I'm reading tech.

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