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How Much To Fix A Water Damaged Phone

How Much To Fix A Water Damaged Phone? Having your phone accidentally dropped in the water can be a nightmare. Suddenly your smartphone which contains so much of your useful data is non-responsive and you’re worried about permanent damage. The good news is that water damage is usually not the end of your phone. With the right steps and technician, many water-damaged phones have been revived, and yours can be revived too!

One of the first questions on your mind is likely to be “how much will this repair cost me?” Let’s take a look at the typical repair costs for water damaged phones.

Water Damaged Phone Inspection Fees

Before any repair work can begin, your phone will need to be thoroughly checked over and diagnosed. Most repair shops charge a flat fee for this diagnostic work, usually around $20-$40. This allows them to ascertain the level of water damage and what components need to be replaced or repaired in your phone. Below is a break down;

Minor Water Damage Phone Repair Cost

If the damage is fairly minor and only minimal parts replacement is needed, you could get away with a repair bill of about $30-$100 depending on the phone model. This would cover things like replacing water damaged parts of the charging port or speaker. If the damage is just to exterior components and has not reached the interior circuitry, it’s usually an easy fix.

Moderate Water Damage Phone Repair Cost

For moderate levels of water damage where more significant part replacement is needed, expect a repair bill in the range of $60-$200. This would include replacement of things like the phone’s microphones or cameras. As long as the main logic board is still intact, moderate water damage is repairable and takes a few hours to fix.

Major Water Damage Phone Repair Cost

In worse case scenarios where the water has reached the interior party of your phone and caused significant damage to the logic board and other core components, you’re looking at a more substantial repair cost. For major water damage phone repairs, expect to pay from $100-$300+ depending on the model, this covers for the logic board replacement and other major parts that likely can’t be salvaged.

Phone Data Recovery Cost

If your phone won’t even turn on or you can’t access your important data, you may need professional data recovery performed. This can add upto $200 or more to your total repair cost. Water damage data recovery is complex and labor-intensive, but can potentially retrieve your data when all else fails.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

At some point, you may need to weigh the repair cost versus just replacing your damaged phone with a new one. Typically, if the total bill is more than 60-80% of the cost of a new phone, I will advise you to get a new one instead.

Make sure to consider how new you want your replacement phone to be and its full cost before sinking more money into a repair.

The Bottom Line

Water damage phone repair costs can vary widely based on the severity and components affected. With minor issues, you could spend $50-$200 (depending on the model) and have your phone working again. But with major damage, expect a bill of $200-$500+ for repair and maybe Data recovery.

How Much To Fix A Water Damaged Phone

Also, weigh the coins, and calculate the cost, at a certain point new smartphone replacement becomes the more cost-effective option. Knowing your repair options and their approximate costs helps you form the right decision.

Kere O. Jonathan Okoh

I, Jonathan. I'm the Chief-Editor @JaybestTechReview And The Chief Engineer @Jaybest Tech Repairs. My work on the tech industry {Tech Reviews & Tech Hardware Repairs} is out of passion, with the intention of helping others solve their difficulties on their smartphone and publishing informative tech contents. When I'm not writing tech, then I'm fixing Tech, when I'm not fixing tech, then I'm reading tech.

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