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Samsung One UI 6.1 Rollout: Which Phones Are Getting It and When

Samsung One UI 6.1 Rollout: Which Phones Are Getting It and When? Samsung recently unveiled its One UI 6.1 software update alongside the new Galaxy S24 lineup. While the interface changes appear subtle, One UI 6.1 introduces some nifty AI-powered capabilities. These include real-time translation during calls, advanced image editing, and customizable wallpapers. 

Although these additions seem minor, they demonstrate practical functionality – especially the Live Translate feature for overcoming language barriers. Of course, One UI 6.1 and its AI perks won’t remain exclusive to the S24 models

Samsung Upgrade Roadmap

The company already confirmed One UI 6.1 upgrades for several existing devices:

These phones and tablets will start receiving the update within the first half of 2024. Furthermore, One UI 6.1 test firmware has surfaced for additional devices:

Given this beta builds, we can expect a wider One UI 6.1 rollout spanning Samsung’s portfolio later this year.

AI Performance Considerations 

However, the AI enhancements may function differently across hardware. The advanced processors inside the S24 line allow certain features to run natively instead of offloading to the cloud. Consequently, responsiveness and availability could vary on less powerful chips.

Additionally, Samsung may limit full access to all One UI 6.1 goodies based on device tiers. We’ll have to wait and see which phones get every AI addition once the over-the-air updates start arriving.

One UI 6.1 Subscription Concerns

Interestingly, Samsung noted that post-2025, it “may no longer provide certain AI features for free.” This indicates that after 2025, even Galaxy S24 owners might need a subscription to keep all One UI 6.1 capabilities. Samsung is staying vague for now regarding which functionalities could be paywalled down the road.

Samsung One UI 6.1 Rollout: Which Phones Are Getting It and When

In summary, Samsung is pushing its One UI 6.1 update to plenty of existing gadgets – not just the latest S24 handsets. Over 2024, we’ll see the smarter AI features reach more Galaxy phones, folds, flips, and tablets. But performance and availability could fluctuate, so temper expectations if you don’t own the newest hardware. We’ll keep tracking the rollout and update if any release details change.

Kere O. Jonathan Okoh

I, Jonathan. I'm the Chief-Editor @JaybestTechReview And The Chief Engineer @Jaybest Tech Repairs. My work on the tech industry {Tech Reviews & Tech Hardware Repairs} is out of passion, with the intention of helping others solve their difficulties on their smartphone and publishing informative tech contents. When I'm not writing tech, then I'm fixing Tech, when I'm not fixing tech, then I'm reading tech.

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