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Samsung upcoming Galaxy S24 phones will have advanced AI features, Reports Claims

Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S24 phones will have advanced AI features, Reports Claims. Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S24 phones will have advanced AI features, Reports Claims. The Samsung new Galaxy S24 smartphones, coming out around January 2024, may likely bring AI technologies like ChatGPT and Google Bard built right in, as leaks.

So what does this mean? Well, you may be able to have conversations with your Galaxy S24. It could write you stories or social media posts with just a few keywords from you. And it could get better at understanding and responding to you over time.

Samsung upcoming Galaxy S24 phones will have advanced AI features

The Galaxy S24 line is expected to have three models to choose from:

These new AI features would help Samsung’s phones stand out from Google Pixel devices. The new Exynos and Qualcomm chips powering the phones will make them fast at AI tasks too.

However, we still have to wait for full details on these phones and their smart capabilities. But Samsung aims to make the Galaxy S24 lineup its most advanced yet, with AI being the main selling point of the models. We’ll know more as the rumoured January launch gets closer.

Kere O. Jonathan Okoh

I, Jonathan. I'm the Chief-Editor @JaybestTechReview And The Chief Engineer @Jaybest Tech Repairs. My work on the tech industry {Tech Reviews & Tech Hardware Repairs} is out of passion, with the intention of helping others solve their difficulties on their smartphone and publishing informative tech contents. When I'm not writing tech, then I'm fixing Tech, when I'm not fixing tech, then I'm reading tech.

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